A couple sits along Gamla Stan's southern waterfront.

A view of an old palace from the waterfront.

Stortorget, Gamla Stan's main plaza, is home to charming cafes and the Nobel Museum.

A creative way to advertise cruises around the Stockholm Archipelago.

Andy waits for his coffee.

Susanne's enjoying herself at Chokladkoppen Cafe.

Check out the enormous bowl of coffee.

Peppered with cinnamon and cardamom, it's a taste that truly sa-tis-fies.

Lounging in the sun.

A statue mime prepares to perform.

The clocktower of Storkyrkan, Stockholm's cathedral.

The main aisle of the cathedral.

A giant candelabra with the main stained glass window in the background.

Hordes of tourists explore the cathedral.


St. George and the dragon.

Detail of the pipe organ.

Enormous paintings adorn the walls of the cathedral, the oldest building in the city.

The plaza behind the cathedral.

The 10am changing of the guard in front of Kungliga Slottet, the royal palace.




Andy reads about the palace in his guide book.

A view of the cathedral from the entrance to the palace.

Main entrance to the palace.

Standing guard at the palace gate. None shall pass -- at least not without paying for your ticket first.


Entrance to the royal treasury, along the side of the palace.

Walking a dog along the treasury plaza.

Standing guard over the treasury, threatened by tourists from every corner of the globe.

The cathedral and treasury from along the waterfront.

Susanne poses behind the palace near the waterfront.

A view of the western waterfront, behind the royal palace.


A father and son get a balloon.


Views of the island of Ostermalm from Gamla Stan harbor.

A giant stone gate marks the entrance to parliament.

A view to the west of Gamla Stan, photographed from the parliament bridge to Norrmalm.

Windows of a typical Gamla Stan building.

View of the Knight's Garden.

Knight's church, the final resting place of Swedish royalty.

Another view of the church.

Yet another view.

Stromkajen ferry terminal, to the northeast of Gamla Stan.

A view of the cathedral from the direction of Stortorget.

St. George slays the dragon in a small plaza.

Susanne wanders down a quiet side street.

Another visit to the cafes of Stortorget.

Susanne and Andy enjoying generous bowls of cafe au lait.


Gamla Stan's ferry fleet.

A replica of a Viking ship sits along the waterfront.