andy's picture Hi, I'm Andy Carvin, author and designer of EdWeb: Exploring Technology and School Reform. I'm Senior Associate at the Benton Foundation in Washington, DC, where I serve as one of the coordinators of the Digital Divide Network. Welcome to my Waste of Bandwidth, which has been been on the Web in one form or another since October 1994, making it one of the oldest personal homepages on the Internet.

This website is basically a shameless plug for all the things that keep me busy in life. It's divided into eight major sections, including this Welcome page. What's New is an update on the latest happenings in my world. Travels is a collection of online journals I've written concerning my adventures around the world. Projects deals with all of those major activities that consume the bulk of my time. Writings is an archive of various articles and essays that have been published over the years. Diversions covers the handful of hobbies I manage to squeeze into my life. Finally, Trivia is, well, a collection of those trivial snippets of personal minutiae that I might as well put online since pretty much everything else in my life is here already.

Before you move on to one of the other sections of my homepage, let me tell you about the photo you see above. It's a picture of me in front of the Silver Pagoda in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The Silver Pagoda was one of the few Buddhist monuments to survive the destruction of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s. The Khmer Rouge realized that the Pagoda was an important symbol of Cambodia's heritage, so they spared it in order to placate the handful of international visitors that were allowed to enter Cambodia at the time. While thousands of other Buddhist sanctuaries were razed to the ground, the Silver Pagoda was spared as a token conservation effort. To learn more about my 1997 to Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Hong Kong, check out my Southeast Asia Diary in the Travels section of my website. Otherwise, select from any of the options to learn more about me, my work, and the things that make me tick...

home | welcome | what's new | the past | travels | projects | writings | diversions | trivia

Andy Carvin's Waste of Bandwidth. Copyright 1994-present by Andy Carvin (acarvin@benton.org). All Rights Reserved.