View from our hotel, the Hotel Tempi, in the Monastiraki quarter.

A Greek flag in a window near our hotel.

The Greek Parliament at the end of Syntagma Square.

The changing of the guard at Parliament.

The Choregic Monument of Lysicrates, now surrounded by a modern square.

Susanne in a field of wildflowers in the Agora, not far from the Temple of Hephaestus.

The Temple of Hephaestus in the Ancient Agora.

Susanne next to the temple.

View of the Agora on the way up to the Acropolis.

The Parthanon, high atop the Acropolis.

Susanne posing in front of the Acropolis.

The famous Porch of the Kariatids.

Closeup of the Kariatid statues.

One of the many Byzantine-era churches of Athens.

Susanne at one of Athens' delightful cafes.

Even though it was March, Athens was warm enough for us to enjoy iced frappe, one of the city's best cafe drinks.

The Tower of Winds, with the Acropolis in the background.

The Acropolis from another angle.

A local cafe at night.

An Athens square just after the restaurants close for the night.

View from our hotel at night, with the Acropolis in the distance.