WWWEDU press release

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Introducing WWWEDU, a moderated list dedicated to the use of the World Wide Web in education.

WWWEDU is a moderated list sponsored by Andy Carvin at the Benton Foundation. The purpose of WWWEDU is to offer educators, webmasters and policy makers a continuous discussion on the potential of World-Wide Web use in education. The Web is increasingly becoming an ideal environment for teaching students of all ages. A well-conceived Web site can inspire creativity and interactivity, yet it is still too new of an environment for us to completely grasp its potential. What are teachers and students doing with the Web today? How can the structure of the Web positively affect learning and assessment? What else can be done to expand the Web's role in education? And how can we encourage non-Web using schools and educators to take advantage of this new tool? WWWEDU will hopefully provide a forum for these questions and others as they come up.

WWWEDU is targeted for use by educators, as well as webmasters and web providers, but anyone with a keen interest in the use of Web methodology in education is welcome to join. Discussion is moderated, but anyone may jump in at any time to begin a new topic. Standard netiquette applies at all times, and flaming will not be tolerated.

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