The World Wide Web in Education:
A Closer Look

OF ALL THE RECENT DEVELOPMENTS in advanced computer networking, it is the World-Wide Web that has truly captured the imagination of millions of technophiles and information buffs. Since its popularization in 1993, the Web (also known as W3 and WWW) has caught on like wildfire in business, research and academia, and many users now tout it as the first real step to the creation of an "information superhighway." But for all of its profit-making and curiosity-seeking potential, the Web has largely been ignored until recently as a powerful educational tool. Scattered throughout cyberspace, one can now find powerful examples of educators, students and researchers experimenting with Web as a way to teach and to empower students with newfound creative ability. And now that over half of America's classrooms are wired to the Internet, the true potential of the Web in education can finally be explored.
What exactly does the World-Wide Web have to offer education? This website will attempt to articulate some possible answers. You can begin by choosing from any of the following sections:

EdWeb: Exploring Technology and School Reform, by Andy Carvin. All rights reserved.
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