MI - The Theory

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES theory, in a nutshell, is a pluralized way of understanding the intellect. Recent advances in cognitive science, developmental psychology and neuroscience suggest that each person's level of intelligence, as it has been traditionally considered, is actually made up of autonomous faculties that can work individually or in concert with other faculties. Howard Gardner originally identified seven such faculties, which he labeled as "intelligences":

Musical Intelligence
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence
Spatial Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal Intelligence

Gardner has never ruled out the possibility that additional intelligences may also exist, for MI research is still in its infancy. Recently, he added an eighth intelligence to the list: the Naturalist Intelligence. There's also been some consideration of a ninth intelligence - existential intelligence - but the jury is still out on that one. Besides, for now at least, a great deal of new understanding may be found from within these eight faculties.

What is the the traditional view of intelligence?
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