USENET is a vast network of discussion groups that are accessible through an Internet connection's news function (often the Unix command 'rn' or 'news,' or an automatic news browser in a program such as Chameleon, Eudora, or even Netscape). There are literally thousands of USENET grouups, with subjects ranging from Star Trek to sex to Singaporean culture. For those interested in education, several dozen USENET groups are available. Some are unidirectional newswire servers which report important breaking stories in education. Most groups, however, involve active discussions between teachers, students, parents, researchers, etc. - in other words, anyone who has an interest in education. Groups must be subscribed to in order to be read (subscribing varies from system to system), and readers are not required to participate in discussion.
In addition to the K12Net, there are dozens of other newsgroups which pertain directly or indirectly to K-12 education. Among some of the better groups:
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