

The author of EdWeb would like to thank the following people for their advice, assistance and encouragement over the last 12 months:

Andy Russell, Ted Coltman, Doug Weiss and the entire CPB policy staff; Jane Smith and Laura Craighead of CNIDR; Michael Strait and Scott Roberts of the Annenberg/CPB Project; The Annenberg/Washington Program; Professors Steve Wildman and Newton Minow of the Department of Mass Communication at Northwestern University; Jonathan Meeks, Chris Crone, Laura Reichert, Chip Cleary, Louis Gomez and Alex Kass of the Institute for the Learning Sciences; Bonney Bracey of the NII Advisory Council; Rosemary Beck of Holoway Elementary; Professor Marcia Linn of the University of California at Berkeley; Hank Becker of the University of California at Irvine; Jamie Wilkerson, Mark Hunnibell and Odd de Presno of KIDLINK; Professor Seymour Papert of MIT; Chris Beaumont and Linda Conrad at NASA; Lori Vandergrift of IBM/EduQuest; Thom Watson at APTS; Professor James L. Morrison at UNC; Professor Gary Morrison at Memphis State; Tatia Williams at NTIA; Al Rogers of GSN; Venanzio Jelenic at SimulNet Learning Concepts; Steve Talbott at O'Reilly and Associates; Professor Thomas Green of Syracuse University; Brock Meeks, David MacArthur at RAND; Jay Pfaffman of CoSN; John Clement of NSF. . . .

More names to be acknowledged when my fingers stop cramping.

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