This Connecticut-based server focuses on national and local education. Contains policy and legislation, technology assistance, software and connectivity to government servers.
This new educational gopher is still in development. Includes education news and documents, government information, teaching workshops, reference materials and connectivity to numerous educational gopher sites.
ERIC/AskERIC's information server contains select resources for both education and general use. Includes lesson plans, ERIC digests, infoguides and publications, reference tools, government information and educational listserv archives.
One of the four NSF regional testbeds. Includes research materials and assistance, software and information on the NII.
Although CLN is run by the Ministry of Education in British Columbia, it provides a wealth of information pertinent to U.S. education as well. Includes distance learning resource information, connections to other educational and Canadian government gophers and CLN software.
The home server of Minnesota's teacher network. Includes teacher discussions, lesson plans and one of the largest collections of gopher lists available.
Within Maryland's government information server is a substantial collection of educational documents and resources. Includes a variety of information on educational development, special education, vocational training and library management.
Focuses on curricular and systemic reform information. Includes access to PALMS, a math and science reform partnership.
Though this gopher focuses on local public universities, the MECN gopher contains general educational information as well. Includes college planning and resource information, as well as access to Mass Ed Online and other educational and information servers.
Focuses on education policy and reform efforts. Includes legislation and government information, as well as classroom resource materials and information on grants and educational technology.
NASA and the High-Performance Computing and Communications Program offers a collection of servers specifically geared for teachers, students and administrators. They offers a selection of math and science education resources, connectivity to numerous education servers, journals and grant and project participation information. The Educational Resources page in particular is by far one of the best K-12 resources yet.
NSF provides this gopher site as a source for educators and administrators. Contains information on NSF education projects, grants and publications.
One of the largest state-run servers, NYSERNet offers a wide variety of K-12 tools. Includes class projects, teaching tools, discussion groups, career guidance, reference information and school reform plans.
The OECN is currently one of the best overall subject databases available. Along with an excellent selection of educational and research materials, OECN offers access to dozens of electronic books (from Aesop to the Book of Mormon), census records and government documents.
Oregon's information kiosk focuses on state and local education activities. Includes school district data, as well as resources for home schooling and non-public schooling.
Washington State's Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction maintains this new web site. Contains an excellent collection of on-line math and science resources, as well as information on WEdNet (see below).
Sponsored by the New York State Education Department, this gopher is an amazing resource for K-12 education and telecommunication policy research. Contains education news, telecomm policy briefs, and a vast collection of classroom resources divided by subject.
The Texas Educational Network operates a gopher for state educators and general use. Includes state educational news, policy and reform information, as well as college planning, field trip plans, and connectivity to educational gophers around the world.
TIESnet is the on-line gopher for Technology and Information Educational Services of Minnesota. The older sister of InforMNs, TIESnet is an excellent demonstration of the successes of networking educators. Includes access to numerous ongoing school projects, as well as lesson plans, research information, and connectivity to InforMNs.
The Hawaii Department of Education's National and International Network Services for Distance Education Project (NINSDE) maintains this site, which focuses on internetworking between Hawaiian schools and distance education in general. Contains educational resources for teachers and students, interesting Internet server links, and a good collection of state and local education information from the Department of education.
The ED and its Office of Educational Research and Instruction offer an information server which acts as a reference desk for all things educational. Includes educational software, Goals 2000 information, as well as primary, secondary and vocational information.
The VETC gopher acts as an educational gateway to servers around the world. Includes connectivity to state and local gophers, K-12 gophers and governmental gophers.
In conjunction with the state of Washington's teacher network, WEdNet also maintains a gopher server of educational and computing resources. Contains a variety of public domain software, as well as interesting Internet links.
This state server includes on resources pertinent to education and libraries. Contains a variety of K-12 projects and connection points.