At the Prudential Center, a picture of George W. Bush has been taken down from a C-Span presidential exhibit, apparently stolen or vandalized.

A protestor, sporting an orange jumpsuit, poses inside a faux prison cell.



Anti-war protestors arrive at the square.


One of a dozen women protestors, wearing black clothes of mourning, carrying baby dolls wrapped in funeral shrouds.

A protestor delivers impromptu anti-war spoken word jazz, a fife and drum ensemble adding a musical track for him.


One of the many t-shirts on sale at the protest.

A bagpiper opens the rally.

More protestors carrying dolls wrapped in shrouds.




A pro-Bush protestor, left, shouts as an anti-Bush protestor points his finger at him.

The anti-Bush protestor, shouting "Thou shall not kill!" over and over.


"Why donŐt you leave America you liberal, pinko communist!" the pro-Bush activist replies angrily.






Meanwhile, another pro-Bush activist, quietly debates an anti-war activist.


Police warn the arguing protestors to tone it down a notch.


An anti-war protestor holds a fake prison cell in front of the pro-Bush activist, making for an interesting photo op.



The media circus grows around the arguing protestors.

Boston police watch the crowd.

Lady liberty gives an interview.


The arguments continue.


Another human rights protestor stands behind a mock prison cell.


A lone anarchist makes a feeble attempt at inciting the crowd, which ignores him.



A journalist asks the anarchist why he's here.

The second pro-Bush activist engages another human rights activist in subdued debate.

Another activist stands somberly behind her prison gate.

The vertebra of a giant puppet protesting US policies.

The front of the puppet, created by the Backbone Campaign.


More speeches.

A Boston policeman watches the protestors, their implements of outrage leaning against a tree.

A passer-by sees himself in a mirror behind a protestor's prison cell.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich arrives at the rally.



Kucinich begins his speech.








A crowd of media and protestors listen to Kucinich.

