The Children of Laos: Patty Cake Kids

The Children of Laos:
Patty Cake Kids
Each time we walked down the main road in Luang Prabang, we'd inevitably bump into two young children - a two-year-old boy and a three-year-old girl - playing near their grandmother's souvenir shop. We got to know them really well, to the point that they would run up to us and give us a hug as we approached the shop.

Above Picture: A picture of the boy from our first night in Luang Prabang. He gave Andy a cookie that evening.

s The next morning, we found them outside of the shop, playing a game on the side of the street. Considering there are practically no cars in town, it's a pretty safe place to play.

Here they are, clapping and singing a song. A proud grandma looks by. s

s At one point, we taught them how to "gimme five" as well as a little bit of patty cake. The girl was more coordinated than her younger brother.

Patty cake goofiness reaches critical mass. s

The Children
of Cambodia
The Children
of Laos
The Children
of Thailand